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New Zealand Green Building Council

New Zealand Green Building Council

Our partnership with the New Zealand Green Building Council links our organisation up with a group that is made up of over 520+ innovative organisations and businesses in New Zealand who believe as a country we need better buildings. As an organisation, we are collectively shifting the culture of how we design, build and manage our buildings.

OneFrame Architectural Fabric Tension Systems as a company is committed to helping champion sustainable, green homes and buildings in Aotearoa through what we deliver to the market and how we deliver these solutions.

The New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC) are passionate advocates for better buildings because we know that better buildings mean healthier, happier Kiwis.

Created by the sector, we are Aotearoa's leading sustainable building not-for-profit.


We represent hundreds of companies and organisations who believe we can transform our built environment, from large government departments, banks, energy companies, and insurers, to property and construction companies, architects, developers, designers, and tertiary education providers.

We believe all New Zealanders deserve to be safe, healthy, and happy – at home, at school, at work, everywhere.

To make that happen we:

Together we've led changes to the woeful Building Code, we’ve helped ensure hundreds of projects are designed and built better, and every year thousands of New Zealanders learn and get inspired.