Updating the custom dye-sublimated graphics no matter the frequency is a critical part of exploiting the OneFrame system revolution. Depending on the environment this could be monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually or in line with the latest message to tie in with a refresh, product or service update or new initiative.
The fresh dye-sublimated graphic provides a fresh delivery to break the environment and disrupt those that have been visually desensitised by the preceding visual/message.
Another consideration dependant on the application and location of your particular creations is that some may be more prone to wear & tear.
Our team on hand to help either update the graphics onsite or do running repairs provides you with the assurance that you can ensure the maximum longevity of your specific delivery along with the best possible return on your investment.
Is consumer engagement grounded in science or designed as art? And just how much is methodically planned and how much is the magic that comes to the fore as the first people walk through the door? The sweet spot for truly successful consumer engagement is where science meets art.